It's off to Sapa for some trekking in the countryside - or not!

Had stayed the night in a somewhat mini-skanky hotel, but the people were very nice so that balanced it out, or so i thought! Was going to buy my overnight ticket when the guy at the front desk said, "dont be daft (ok not those exact words!) but i'll get your ticket for you and i'll only charge you the moto fee to go to the train station to pick it up". I said "no thanks, i can get it, no probs" being quite happy to buzz around town myself, and thinking, "i will be strong. I won't get ripped off again." "No, no its easier - i'll get it for you, quicker and cheaper" he replied. Later that night when i realised the 170,000 dong i gave him was for the 118,000 ticket ("oh, thats my commission" he said) i thought, oh well, you knew it would happen!

July 9th. We arrived in the town of Lao Cai (only 38km away from the Chinese border -so annoying, wish now i'd gotten my Chinese visa as it is so close - oh well!) at around 5:30am. Nhat and her dad took me under their wing yet again; bought me breakfast while we waited for their relatives to arrive, then we hopped on a mini- bus to Sapa, a mere 1 1/2 hours away. One of Nhat's aunts kept touching my arm saying "same, same" about our skin. The women here are much darker than in Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh, where they use whitening moisturisers to keep their skin as light as possible. Anyway, not only did Nhat's dad buy me breakfast, he also paid for my bus ticket and wouldnt take any money from me! I was mortified then of course very grateful.. so incredibly lovely of these new found friends! Would like to think i would be as nice to some dodgy tourist i find walking about Boston!!! Said my farewells then headed to my guest house where i was going to meet up with Pat and Carolien later that day.. yup, my lovely Dutch friends are here too!

I really wanted to climb Fansipan, at 3,143m high is Vietnam's highest peak. Unfortunately, due to the fact im a loser on my own, everyone said, no, no we dont go with just one person, plus it was the rainy season so even less chance of getting to go. Bummer, but oh, well. Tons of other things to do here! Wow - there are so many different tribes people here.. and all so beautiful. Their clothes, colours, some with hair shaved at the front of their heads but long, long ponytails, others all in black with tons of silver jewellry; boys wearing blue kimono jackets and floppy trousers, little girls asking you to buy something, anything from them.

Headed to a local bar for some pool action; quite surreal as many of the younger hill tribe girls hang out here and are sharp pool players. I had a game or two and was absolute rubbish. We had a discussion on whether they were just playing pool or was there something more - sad to say i did see a girl tiptoeing out of my hotel the next morning so alas, my idealist and naive idea that they just liked to play pool was a little misled.. well, maybe just for one or two!

Anyway, met two fab boys in the bar - Mike and Geoff, brothers from Canada - who were planning a 3 day trip to Dien Bien Phu in the far north of Vietnam which had a rich history regarding the French capitulation to the Vietnamese.. not many people other than French tourists go there but the boys were interested in the historical perspective, and after chatting away i decided hey, why not. Another part of Vietnam to see, i was doing a bit of my new-found "going with the flow" mentality, the boys were lovely, and didn't seem too serial-killer-like so i signed up. After they left, i said to Pat and Carolien "do you think they are ok?" - they laughed and said "well, you idiot, you said you'd go, what do you think?". Of course i can write this here now because a) i have shared this story with the boys, and they didn't seem too offended by it, b) they obviously did not kill me on our travels together, c) in fact, we had a brillo time and shared many crazy adventures which i will get into in a mo' and d) therefore my positive, happy and altogether "these are safe people to travel with" vibe was right. They were two lovely young gentlemen who were a pleasure to hang around .. what else can i say without sounding any more grannyish!!!
Last note here - watched the World Cup Final in the bar - unbelievable! Zidane what were you thinking!! But you must have been provoked. That's not like you!! AAhh off to bed at 4am - soooooooooo tired and have to get up at 7am to meet the boys for our trip!!!
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